
DAT 00002 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/10/2011

Question: What is current percentage of shopping customers?

Answer: Information relating to shopping and non-shopping customers is posted to the Load and Other Data page of this Information Website.

DAT 00003 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 11/15/2011

Question: Can Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide guidance on how it calculated the Peak Load Share (PLC) reflected in the Bidder Information Session presentation?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. calculates PLCs for all customers on its system using the 5 CP method. Suppliers can determine PJM's 5 peaks from data available at: http://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/energy/real-time/loadhryr.aspx. From this information, suppliers can use the 5 PJM peak hour date/times and get each customer class peak coincident with the PJM peaks from data available at: http://www.duke-energyohiocbp.com/Documents/LoadandOtherData.aspx, by accessing the Historical Hourly Loads by Class file. Suppliers can then use scaling factors and other required values currently in effect to estimate the PLC for each customer class. For more information on how all the PLC calculations work, please see PJM Manual 18, available at: http://pjm.com/~/media/documents/manuals/m18.ashx.

DAT 00004 (revised 02/15/2018)
Published On: 11/17/2011

Question: Does the hourly load file by class contain transmission and distribution losses?

Answer: Yes, the hourly load file labeled "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" contains transmission and distribution losses.

DAT 00005 (revised 02/20/2019)
Published On: 11/21/2011

Question: In the published historical load data, is PIPP load currently in standard offer usage or switched usage?

Answer: Through September 2018, PIPP load is included in the RS rate class in the standard offer usage of the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" document. Starting on October 1, 2018, PIPP load is included in the switched usage load.

DAT 00008 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/22/2011

Question: How does the hourly load data on the CBP Information Website align with PJM data? For instance, has the load been derated for marginal losses?

Answer: Data that was sent to PJM via eSchedules starting 1/1/2012 includes losses. The data included in the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" document on this Information Website includes transmission and distribution losses. 

DAT 00010 (revised 04/17/2015)
Published On: 11/28/2011

Question: Are "Voltage Customers in Excess of 10 MW" currently included in the Standard Service Offer (SSO) load or switched load? Which rate class(es) are these customers in?

Answer: Of the eighteen accounts that are greater than 10 MW in size:

  • Fifteen accounts are switched load.
  • Fourteen accounts take service under Rate TS (Service At Transmission Voltage).
  • Two accounts are served under Rate DP (Service At Primary Distribution Voltage).
  • Two accounts take service under Rate DS (Service At Secondary Distribution Voltage).

DAT 00012 (revised 02/15/2018)
Published On: 11/28/2011

Question: Can you please post the transmission losses so we can properly calculate the load being served at the Duke Load Zone level?

Answer: Loss factors are as follows:

Distribution is 1.03552

Transmission is 1.03314

DAT 00013 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/28/2011

Question: Do the loads provided contain all customers in each class? For example, are all industrial customers included in the industrial class load data or are the loads for certain customers excluded?

Answer: The load data contained in the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" document represent the state of enrolled customers, their assigned rate class, recorded hourly usage, applicable loss factors, and enrollment status.  No retail customers are excluded from the report.

DAT 00014 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/28/2011

Question: PJM has posted the UCAP Obligation for the DEOK (Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Kentucky) Zone for Jan 1 – May 31, 2012, for the 2012/2013 planning year and for the 2013/2014 planning year. These are available at the following location: http://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/rpm/~/media/markets-ops/rpm/rpm-auction-info/duke-ucap-obligation-for-integration.ashx. How does the UCAP obligation in PJM’s posting relate to the total (both shopping and non-shopping customers) Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. load?

Answer: The estimate of the relevant capacity and energy obligation (tranche size) for SSO load was posted to the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. CBP Information Website on November 10, 2011.  Please refer to the “News” section of this Information Website for further information.

DAT 00015
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: Can you provide a breakdown of usage and customer counts for the customers above 10MW that are shopping and non-shopping?

Answer: Consistent with the Bidding Rules for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s Competitive Bidding Process Auctions, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provided peak load and hourly consumption information for these customer accounts and specific load data attributed to each customer account will not be provided.

DAT 00016
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: In calculating the Peak Load Share (PLC), Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. indicated it uses the 5 coincident peak (CP) method. Does Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. add back curtailed load for these top 5 hours prior to calculating PLC and NSPL values?

Answer: Yes. For PLC calculations, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. adds back load adjustments for accounts on load curtailment programs, which participated in a curtailment event, during any of the 5 peak intervals.

DAT 00017
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: In the “Historical Hourly Loads by Class” file, a time series is provided of customer counts by rate class. Can you please classify which rate classes (RS, DS, DM, DP, TS, OTHER) fall into Residential, Commercial, Industrial and OPA definitions?


Residential: Rate Class RS

Industrial and Commercial: Rate Classes DS, DM, DP, and TS

OPA: Rate Class DS, DM, DP, and TS

DAT 00018 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: In the “Customer Counts” file, counts are provided for the OPA customer type. Can you please provide a description for this type and/or define which rate classes (as defined in the “Historical Hourly Loads by Class” file) make up this customer type?

Answer: "OPA" is an abbreviation for Other Public Authority. The OPA customer type includes Rate Classes DS, DM, DP, and TS.

DAT 00019 (revised 05/13/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: What is the time zone and DST indicator for the usage information provided in the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" files?

Answer: Eastern Standard Time

DAT 00021 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: You state in your November 28, 2011 News item, “based on historical data, the energy obligation is approximately 16.47 MW per tranche”. What specific historical date is the calculation of 16.47 MW based upon?

Answer: The energy obligation of approximately 16.47 MW per tranche stated in the November 28, 2011, News item was calculated using Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. data during the five highest coincident peaks experienced by PJM.

DAT 00022 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/05/2011

Question: Comparing the off-service “Residential” counts provided in the “Choice Switching History” file to the off-service “RS” counts in the “Historical Hourly Loads” file, there are discrepancies in the values. Can you please explain the difference in the methodology in measuring the two count values?

Answer: The "Choice Switching History" file (posted as "Monthly Switching Statistics") and the "Historical Hourly Loads" file are not intended to reflect identical information. Hourly load data reflects actual customer choice power flow for a month, while the choice switching history is predicated upon enrollment activity occurring as of a certain date.

DAT 00024
Published On: 12/05/2011

Question: The November 28, 2011, News item states: “based on historical data, the energy obligation is approximately 16.47 MW per tranche”. This is based on the 5 CP method. However, the SSO load obligation continually changes as a result of migration to CRES suppliers. So does the 16.47 MW represent the SSO obligation (and migration level) as of November 28th or some other date?

Answer: The information was based upon the 2010 5 CP data and enrollments as they existed on August 1, 2011.

DAT 00026
Published On: 12/06/2011

Question: How does Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. calculate PLCs for interval metered and non-interval metered customers?

Answer: The following methodology is used to calculate PLCs for interval metered and non-interval metered customers:

  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. calculates individual PLCs for all customers on the system.
  • A customer may be an individual retail customer, or a large discreetly metered municipality.
  • In all, there are approximately 700,000 customers for whom PLCs are calculated.
  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. utilizes customer load at the time of the 5 CPs provided by PJM as the basis for the PLC calculation.
  • Demand Response provided by customers is added back to their hourly load values prior to making the PLC calculation, if that customer is claiming that demand response as capacity (this includes behind the meter generation).
  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. utilizes the weather normalized peak value provided by PJM, as the basis for its weather normalization factor (the average of the 5 system peaks is scaled to be equal to the W / N peak provided by PJM).
  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. uses a bottom up methodology to calculate loads on the system. Interval metered customer load is directly measured. Non-interval customer loads are calculated by using load profiles produced from load research meters, and usage factors developed by comparing each customer’s usage to average of their rate class (RS, DS, DM, etc.).
  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. applies Transmission and Distribution losses to the customer loads.
  • Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. calculates unaccounted for energy on the system by comparing the bottom up load, plus losses, to the system load (generation minus metered ties). UFE is allocated to all non-interval metered customers on a load ratio share basis.
  • The proceeding methodology calculated a customer load for each hour. Loads for the 5 CPs are averaged, and subsequently adjusted by the weather normalization factor to produce a PLC.

DAT 00028 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/07/2011

Question: In the " Prospective Municipal Aggregation - Monthly Usage (at the customer meter level)" file for customers that have not yet aggregated, what is the difference between "Retail" and "Shopper" in the "Choice" Column? Does "Retail" mean that the customer is being served by a competitive supplier and "Shopper" is a customer that is being served by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. under SSO?

Answer: "Retail" customers are SSO customers of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.  "Shopping" customers are customers who have migrated to CRES Suppliers.

DAT 00029 (revised 12/15/2014)
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: What is the share of PIPP load for the residential classes in the “Municipal Aggregation - Monthly Usage (at the customer meter level)” file?

Answer: There are no PIPP customers in the "Municipal Aggregation - Monthly Usage (at the customer meter level)" file.

DAT 00031 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: In the “Customer Counts” file as provided on the Information Website, the data description states that the customer counts are based on data for the 12 months ended [DATE]. Does this mean that customer counts are averaged over the most recent 12 months? Also, do the counts include all customers within the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. service territory or only those currently being served by the default service?

Answer: The TOTAL NUMBER OF ACCOUNTS rows are the counts as of [DATE]. The size breakdowns (e.g., NO ACCOUNTS GREATER THAN 500 KW) are based on the period October 2010 through 2011. These rows represent the number of accounts with at least one billed monthly demand greater than or less than 500 kW.

The counts include all customers within the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. service territory, i.e., shopper and non-shopper.

DAT 00032
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: Can you provide historical hourly data for the DEOK zone?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. has provided three years of retail load by rate class, pursuant to the Bidding Rules.

DAT 00033
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: Can Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide the weather normalization factor referenced in response to DAT 00026 for the 2011/2012 and the 2012/2013 planning years?

Answer: The requested information will not be provided as it is confidential and proprietary.

DAT 00034
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: In response to DAT 00003, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. states that suppliers can use historical customer class data during the 5 PJM peak hours in order to estimate the PLCs. However, in response to PJM 00005, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. states that it will be calculating weather normalized peaks. Can you please help reconcile the difference between these two responses?

Answer: There is no discrepancy in the responses. Suppliers can use historical data during the 5 PJM peak hours to estimate PLCs. Insofar as it concerns Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s methodology, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. also uses a weather normalized factor. Further reference is made to DAT 00026, which describes the methodology used by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. to calculate PLCs for interval metered and non-metered customers.

DAT 00035 (revised 12/15/2014)
Published On: 12/09/2011

Question: Is the kWh data in the “Municipal Aggregation - Monthly Usage (at the customer meter level)” file grossed up for distribution and transmission losses, or is it at the retail meter?

Answer: The data is at the retail meter.

DAT 00036
Published On: 12/12/2011

Question: Has, or can, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide historical daily PLCs for the SSO load (aka unswitched customers)?

Answer: The requested information does not exist.

DAT 00037 (revised 12/15/2014)
Published On: 12/12/2011

Question: DAT 00014 made reference to the information located at: http://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/rpm/~/media/markets-ops/rpm/rpm-auction-info/duke-ucap-obligation-for-integration.ashx. This information encompasses both Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and Duke Energy Kentucky. How much of the Zonal Peak Load Forecast is attributable to Duke Energy Kentucky?

Answer: Non-public data about Duke Energy Kentucky will not be provided.

DAT 00038 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/13/2011

Question: According to Section 4.1.1 of the Bidding Rules, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. would provide NSPL for eligible and SSO load. Can you please point us to the NSPLs?

Answer: NSPLs are contained in the "Historical Hourly Load by Class" file on the "Supplier Documents" page of this Information Website and can be calculated by determining the peak hour for total loads for each of the past three years for the entire Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. load shown on the "Total Usage" tab under the column Total KWh. 

DAT 00039
Published On: 05/15/2012

Question: Can you provide the 2012/13 Planning Year Peak load Contributions (PLC) for shopping and non-shopping customers by rate class, based on customer switching as of May 1, 2012?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio has provided historical and current hourly load and customer data by rate class that allows bidders to derive PLC and NSPL values.

DAT 00040
Published On: 05/15/2012

Question: The load data posted to the Information Website seem to show a decline in load by approximately 30% year over year. What is causing load to decline so rapidly? It seems to be too large to be weather variance.

Answer: Annual standard service offer load is a function of a range of factors, including weather conditions and customer migration to CRES providers.

DAT 00041 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 05/21/2012

Question: In regards to the answer provided for the question DAT 00039, why will Duke not provide available PLC information? Auctions held in other states, as well as in Ohio, provide both current and historical PLC data for eligible and SOS load as well as current and historical NSPL data for eligible and SSO load. Other auctions also provide the next planning year's PLC and NSPL as soon as the data is available. This data is very helpful to suppliers and estimating the PLC only from hourly data will impact the price paid by ratepayers.

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. only calculates PLC data historically. Duke Energy Ohio does not calculate the PLC until the end of each calendar year. Suppliers can perform the calculation with the data provided if they wish to do so.  See answers to questions previously provided in DAT 00003 and DAT 00039.

DAT 00044
Published On: 09/14/2012

Question: What are government aggregation contracts and is there a timeline for when these contracts expire?

Answer: Ohio law allows governmental entities to aggregate qualifying load within their jurisdictional boundaries. The requirements applicable to such aggregations may be found in the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code. A governmental entity that proceeds, through aggregation, to arrange for supply with a competitive supplier would likely enter into a contract for that supply. Duke Energy Ohio is not a party to such contracts and thus cannot comment on the terms and conditions of same. Duke Energy Ohio further observes that such contracts should be a matter of public record.

DAT 00045 (revised 02/20/2019)
Published On: 11/05/2012

Question: Is PIPP load still included in the most recent standard offer RS load? Would you please provide most recent hourly PIPP load?

Answer: PIPP load is included in the standard service offer RS load through September 2018. As of October 1, 2018, PIPP load is included in the switched usage load. The hourly PIPP load data have been posted.

DAT 00046 (revised 09/05/2019)
Published On: 05/05/2015

Question: Does the posted historical hourly load data include unaccounted for energy (UFE)?

Answer: Yes; the posted historical hourly load data include UFE.

DAT 00048 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 02/25/2016

Question: Is the PLC in the bidder information session presentation calculated for a specific date and is that PLC figure or the daily PLC data weather normalized?

Answer: The PLC is the annual PLC established during the annual PLC process.  The daily PLC’s are weather normalized.

DAT 00050 (revised 02/20/2019)
Published On: 12/20/2017

Question: Does the historical hourly load data on the website still include PIPP?

Answer: Yes. The historical hourly SSO load data does include PIPP Load. Through September 2018, PIPP load is included in the RS rate class in the standard offer usage of the "Historical Hourly Loads by Class" document. Starting on October 1, 2018, PIPP load is included in the switched usage load.

DAT 00051 (revised 09/05/2019)
Published On: 09/04/2019

Question: There is a step change in the customer counts across all customer segments between October 8, 2019 and October 9, 2019. What is the cause for this change?

Answer: Duke implemented a new system that went live between 10/8 and 10/9.  The new system eliminated redundant and inactive accounts.

DAT 00052
Published On: 02/17/2021

Question: Can Duke provide bidders with PY 21/22 PLCs based on the current mix of shopping and non-shopping customers?

Answer: PY 2021/2022 PLC for SSO load will depend on many factors including customer switching. The total PLC obligation will be 3,908.7.

DAT 00053
Published On: 02/03/2023

Question: Will the NSPL Peak be set based on a single CP or five CPs?

Answer: NSPL is set on a single CP.

DAT 00054
Published On: 02/03/2023

Question: Is the tag provided in the data on the website scaled? And if so can you provide additional detail on the scaling?

Answer: NSPL tags can be scaled, usually a very small percentage, as accounts are enrolled or dropped which changes the daily total NSPL calculation.  The NSPL value must meet the target set by PJM.

DAT 00055
Published On: 07/07/2023

Question: Can the utility provide the default PLC tags assigned to customers who don’t yet have their own tag, by customer class?

Answer: Below are the default tag values for delivery year 2023/2024:

Assignment Name / Assigned Amount (KWH)

DM0 / 3.059
DS4 / 23.4579
DS5 / 340.1187
FR0 / 37.2238
TL0 / 14.5998
RS5 / 2.4
RS6 / 3.5814
SL0 / 0
RS0 / 1.9611

Assignment Name / Assigned Amount (KWH)

DM0 / 3.2439
DS4 / 26.6924
DS5 / 350.8346
FR0 / 35.9187
TL0 / 14.3407
RS5 / 2.6452
RS6 / 3.8757
SL0 / 0
RS0 / 1.9988

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FAQs Disclaimer

The information presented and distributed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be subject to modifications and/or amendments and is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided in the CBP, or on the CBP Information Website, has been prepared to assist bidders in evaluating the CBP. It does not purport to contain all the information that may be relevant to a bidder in satisfying its due diligence efforts. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. nor the Auction Manager make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and shall not, either individually or as a corporation, be liable for any representation expressed or implied in the CBP or any omissions from the CBP, or any information provided to a bidder by any other source. A bidder should check the CBP Information Website frequently to ensure it has the latest documentation and information. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., nor the Auction Manager, nor any of their representatives, shall be liable to a bidder or any of its representatives for any consequences relating to or arising from the bidder’s use of outdated information. The information is not intended to form any part of the basis of any investment decision, valuation or any bid that may be submitted during the CBP process. Each recipient should not rely solely on this information and should make its own independent assessment of the potential value to supply the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s load after making all investigations it deems necessary.

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