
GEN 00001 (revised 02/26/2020)
Published On: 11/10/2011

Question: Following an auction, which parties can make a determination that the CBP rules were violated?

Answer: Either the Independent Auction Manager (CRA) or the Auction Consultant retained by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio can determine whether the CBP rules were violated.

GEN 00006 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/10/2011

Question: Does the tranche size presented in the Bidder Information Session for each auction represent the amount of load not being served by CRES suppliers?

Answer: The load data used to estimate the tranche size reflects the percentage of load not served by CRES providers.

GEN 00007 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 11/10/2011

Question: Does the capacity obligation included in the Bidder Information Session Presentation reflect UCAP or PLC?

Answer: The capacity figures reflect UCAP.

GEN 00008
Published On: 11/11/2011

Question: Will a Microsoft Word version of the Part 1 Application be made available?

Answer: The Part 1 and Part 2 Applications are available for completion via an online process, which can be accessed through the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Auction Website. So as to allow the Auction Manager to ensure consistency with regard to the content of the applications submitted by prospective or qualified bidders, it is not anticipated that Word versions of the applications will be provided.

GEN 00009 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/15/2011

Question: Is the energy tranche size posted on the News page an estimate of average load, peak load, or something else?

Answer: The energy tranche size estimate announced on the News page of this Information Website prior to each auction is an estimate of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s unswitched customer loads consistent with the 5 highest PJM peak load occurrences seen the prior year on the PJM system.

GEN 00010 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: If a customer switches and then comes back to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., does this customer load then become part of the SSO load?

Answer: Yes.

GEN 00011 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/05/2011

Question: Will Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. charge its default service customers a utility/administrative adder within its rates? If so, how much do you expect it to be and will it be bypassable?

Answer: Costs incurred by Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. in serving any defaulted load will be recovered via Rider SCR. Upon its implementation, this rider will be bypassable. However, there are Commission-authorized circumstances pursuant to which Rider SCR would be non-bypassable. Further detail on Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s riders under the electric security plan that took effect on January 1, 2012 (PUCO Case No. 11-3549-EL-SSO) may be found in the Stipulation and Recommendation filed on October 24, 2011, and approved by the PUCO on November 22, 2011.

GEN 00013 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/07/2011

Question: In the PIPP data provided, it appears as though there was growth from 2010 to 2011. Was this a result of more customers joining the program? Are data or any additional information available for customers either already in the program or joining the program going forward?

Answer: A month-to-month comparison of the number of PIPP customers shows that PIPP enrollment increased by about fifteen percent, on average, from 2010 to 2011. Total PIPP load depends on the number of customers enrolled in the program and other factors such as the weather in a given year. Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. does not have projections of future PIPP participation or load.

GEN 00016
Published On: 12/09/2011

Question: What are the Ohio rules for retail switching? Are there rules in place that prevent customers from returning to, or would delay eligibility to return to, Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. Standard Service once they have switched to Competitive Retail Electric Service Suppliers? If so, would this differ by rate class?

Answer: Customers leaving or returning to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s system must do so from one scheduled meter reading date to the next. Switching between meter read cycles is not permitted. Further, a twelve-calendar day rule is followed for enrollment and drop effective dates. Consequently, EDI transactions received twelve or more days prior to the next scheduled meter reading date are effective on the next scheduled meter reading date. EDI transactions received eleven calendar days or less prior to the next scheduled meter reading date are effective on the second scheduled future meter reading date. 

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. does not have a minimum stay provision effective January 1, 2012.

Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. cannot speak to the restrictions or limitations that a competitive retail electric service provider may contractually impose.

Further information can be found in the rules and regulations of the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, as set forth in the Ohio Administrative Code.

GEN 00018
Published On: 03/19/2012

Question: Do you have "shadow settlements"?

Answer: No.

GEN 00019
Published On: 03/19/2012

Question: When is the actual value of metered load delivered to the suppliers?

Answer: The metered load backcasted/estimated loads are electronically sent to PJM daily and settled with actuals 60 days later. Supplier data is available through PJM.

GEN 00020
Published On: 03/19/2012

Question: Is pricing information on ancillaries available?

Answer: Historical ancillaries are available on the PJM website.

GEN 00021
Published On: 05/17/2012

Question: In FAQ AGR 00008, it is noted that SSO suppliers are responsible for supplying all SSO load associated with existing and returning SSO customers. Suppliers will be paid a price based on the auction regardless of the prevailing LMP. How is a returning customer defined? Is it a customer that as in the SSO pool during the auction or can a returning customer be from a previous auction's pool?

Answer: A returning customer is one who comes back to Duke Energy Ohio’s standard service offer, consistent with existing tariffs. The length of time that a customer may have been served by an alternative supplier is irrelevant to this definition. Thus, a returning customer is not required to be a standard service offer customer on the day of the auction.  Selected suppliers are responsible for each contracted tranche (or 1% of the total standard service offer load obligation) and associated customer load changes due to returning customers for the entire contract duration period.

GEN 00022
Published On: 05/17/2012

Question: Suppose a customer migrates back into the SSO pool after the conclusion of the auction and after the auction price has been set. Would this customer purchase power from suppliers (through Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.) at the auction price or at the prevailing market price at the time they opt back into the SSO program? And if they receive a new price - how is that price determined?

Answer: Standard service offer customers will be charged consistent with the prevailing rates, as approved by the Commission. The charges are based upon the wholesale auction results and converted to retail rates as described in the testimony filed under PUCO Case No. 11-3549-EL-SSO. Returning standard service offer customers do not receive a new price, adjusted for market conditions as of the date of their return.

GEN 00023 (revised 03/07/2016)
Published On: 09/11/2012

Question: What type of customer load will SSO Suppliers serve? Is it residential, commercial or industrial?

Answer: SSO Suppliers will serve a slice of Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s SSO load. As set forth in Article I of the Master Standard Service Offer Supply Agreement, SSO Customers include Residential Customers, Commercial Customers, Industrial Customers and Lighting Customers, including Special Contract Customers, but excluding interruptible service customers taking SSO Supply from Duke Energy Ohio during the Delivery Period when either PJM or Duke Energy Ohio calls for an interruption.

GEN 00024 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 10/26/2015

Question: Can you provide potential dates when PIPP aggregation is likely to occur in the Duke Ohio territory?

Answer: On March 2, 2016 the PUCO issued an Order on PIPP Aggregation Information on any upcoming PIPP RFP’s will be posted on Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s PIPP RFP information website, which can be found here: www.duke-energyohiopipp-rfp.com

GEN 00025
Published On: 01/28/2016

Question: Are historical ancillary service charges available by line item? If so, where can they be found?

Answer: Yes. The historical ancillary service charges are available on the following website: http://www.pjm.com/markets-and-operations/ancillary-services.aspx

GEN 00026 (revised 03/04/2016)
Published On: 03/04/2016

Question: Can a PIPP customer be reclassified as an SSO customer during the delivery term of the upcoming SSO procurement? If so, what are the rules that determine the classification of PIPP customers?

Answer: There are a number of ways in which customers migrate on and off PIPP.  However, the overall population of PIPP customers is relatively stable. 

GEN 00028 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 03/08/2016

Question: Could you clarify what would happen if a PIPP supplier defaults? 

Answer: In the event the PIPP supplier selected from the RFP defaults prior to or during the delivery of PIPP Load requirements, Duke Energy Ohio will implement a contingency plan for PIPP Load. Under that plan, PIPP Load supply requirements will be met either by current SSO Suppliers or through PJM-administered markets. Additional costs incurred by Duke Energy Ohio in implementing the contingency plan will be assessed first against the defaulting supplier’s credit security, to the extent available. PIPP load will not revert back to the Standard Service Offer.

GEN 00036
Published On: 02/03/2023

Question: Can you provide the capacity proxy price that will be used for the auction?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio does not currently have an approved capacity proxy price mechanism.  CRA will make an announcement soon related to the BRA and Duke's February auction.

GEN 00037
Published On: 02/16/2024

Question: Have any new rules been put in place as a result the substantial amount of migration seen in 2022 and 2023 (migration into standard service in 2022 and migration out of standard service in 2023)? I.e. is there a minimum stay requirement for customers on standard service, or when a customer leaves standard service can they not return for a certain amount of time?

Answer: During the past 18 months, the PUCO ordered EDUs to update their tariffs to address the return of customers to the SSO—the Commission referred to these as “minimum stay provisions.” For Duke Energy Ohio, this filing was made in PUCO Case No. 22-1129-EL-ATA. Duke updated their electric tariff to reflect Commission Staff-approved language regarding a “stay out period” for governmental aggregators returning more than 5,000 customers to the SSO prior to the end of an aggregation term. The aggregator cannot offer a new opt-out aggregation for at least 12-months. This is aggregator-specific and does not prevent the individual customers from shopping.

GEN 00038 (revised 03/13/2025)
Published On: 03/13/2025

Question: Could you help clarify who will be allocating the ARRs for Duke Ohio. In previous years, the full load for PY25/26 would have already been procured before the ARRs were allocated, with winning suppliers allocating for their portion of the load. However, since the auctions were delayed this year, none of the load will have been procured before the ARR window, meaning suppliers won’t have ARRs to allocate. Will Duke Ohio be responsible for allocating the ARRs for the entire load? The only reference I could find in the Master Agreement is in Section 3.1: "(j) Each SSO Supplier shall be solely responsible for any auction revenue rights applicable to the SSO Load that may be allocated to it. Duke Energy Ohio shall have no obligation to such SSO Supplier for auction revenue rights or financial transmission revenue rights."

Answer: For the Delivery Year 2025/2026, Duke Energy Ohio (DEO) will participate PJM ARR Allocation on behalf of the SSO load. When SSO auction is completed, DEO will transfer the new load information to PJM. The daily ARR revenue will then transfer to the new supplier in the PJM settlement system.

DEO will not participate the Annual FTR Auction on behalf of the SSO load. However, the ARR Allocation Results will be sent to the potential bidders after the ARR Allocation is completed.

Please note that we will send bidders the ARR information after April 3 when PJM finishes the ARR process.

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FAQs Disclaimer

The information presented and distributed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be subject to modifications and/or amendments and is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided in the CBP, or on the CBP Information Website, has been prepared to assist bidders in evaluating the CBP. It does not purport to contain all the information that may be relevant to a bidder in satisfying its due diligence efforts. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. nor the Auction Manager make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and shall not, either individually or as a corporation, be liable for any representation expressed or implied in the CBP or any omissions from the CBP, or any information provided to a bidder by any other source. A bidder should check the CBP Information Website frequently to ensure it has the latest documentation and information. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., nor the Auction Manager, nor any of their representatives, shall be liable to a bidder or any of its representatives for any consequences relating to or arising from the bidder’s use of outdated information. The information is not intended to form any part of the basis of any investment decision, valuation or any bid that may be submitted during the CBP process. Each recipient should not rely solely on this information and should make its own independent assessment of the potential value to supply the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s load after making all investigations it deems necessary.

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