PJM 00001 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 11/10/2011

Question: Has the Fixed Resource Requirement (FRR) Integration Auction occurred to determine capacity prices for Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.? If not, when is this expected to occur?

Answer: There was no integration auction relative to Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.'s transition to PJM Interconnection, LLC.

PJM 00004 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: Does Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide a "Supplier Operating Manual" detailing procedures for determining Peak Load Contributions for Capacity, Transmission, and Hourly Energy?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. does not provide a "Supplier Operating Manual" detailing procedures for determining Peak Load Contributions for Capacity, Transmission, and Hourly Energy.

PJM 00005
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: Based on the methodology listed in response to FAQ DAT 00003, the 5 coincident peak hours of the historical data set will be different from the PJM derived weather normalized peak. Will Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide the implied daily zonal scaling factor as a result of this difference?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. is weather normalizing.

PJM 00006 (revised 04/01/2015)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: Will the PJM eSchedule between Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and the SSO Supplier be a real-time settled Retail Load Responsibility eSchedule? If not, please explain what form it will take.

Answer: Yes. The PJM eSchedule between Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. and the SSO Supplier will be a real-time settled Retail Load Responsibility eSchedule.

PJM 00007 (revised 12/15/2014)
Published On: 12/02/2011

Question: Please provide Final Zonal Capacity Prices by delivery year (in $/MW-day) for the Capacity that each Supplier shall purchase from Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. necessary to fulfill the Capacity obligation associated with Supplier’s SSO Supplier Responsibility Share.

Answer: Please see the PJM website for specific RPM and final zonal capacity price information that is available at this time.


PJM 00008 (revised 07/26/2018)
Published On: 12/05/2011

Question: Can Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. provide planning year PLC and NSPL values for shopping and non-shopping customers by rate class?

Answer: The requested information is not available.

PJM 00010
Published On: 12/08/2011

Question: Can you please provide the PJM load deration factor(s) for DEOK Zone?

Answer: Please see updated response to AGR 00004.

PJM 00015
Published On: 12/12/2011

Question: Will the SSO Supplier or Duke Energy participate in the ARR allocation process and get the associated ARRs for the SSO load?

Answer: See the Master SSO Supply Agreement, Section 3.1 and Attachment F thereto. The Sample PJM Invoice identifies the SSO Supplier as responsible for credits for Line Item 2510, Auction Revenue Rights.

PJM 00016 (revised 05/05/2015)
Published On: 05/05/2015

Question: Can you please confirm that, due to PJM’s implementation of residual pricing, SSO suppliers will settle “DEOK_RESID_AGG” starting June 1, 2015?

Answer: Yes; SSO/POLR suppliers will settle at the “DEOK_RESID_AGG” price starting June 1, 2015 due to PJM’s implementation of residual pricing.

PJM 00017
Published On: 03/12/2016

Question: Since the new SSO load going forward will not contain PIPP load, and load from previous auctions did include PIPP, will the new load without PIPP be assigned a separate subaccount in PJM for those suppliers that serve load in both?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio does not presently know how that portion of the PIPP load to be segregated for auction purposes will be identified in PJM accounts.  As final determinations are made and should such determinations require a change in subaccounts, Duke Energy Ohio will inform affected suppliers.

PJM 00018
Published On: 02/19/2018

Question: Will Duke be participating in the PJM ARR auction for PY 18/19 load being awarded in the upcoming CBP Auctions in February 2018? If not, will winners have enough time/details to participate on their own behalf?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio will not be participating in the ARR process on behalf of SSO Suppliers.  The intent of completing both of 2018's auctions in February was to allow suppliers to participate on their own.

PJM 00019
Published On: 09/21/2018

Question: Are SSO suppliers or is Duke Energy Ohio responsible for new PJM line items 1108A and 1115?

Answer: Duke Energy Ohio is responsible for the line items.

FAQs Disclaimer

FAQs Disclaimer

The information presented and distributed in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) may be subject to modifications and/or amendments and is provided for informational purposes only. The information provided in the CBP, or on the CBP Information Website, has been prepared to assist bidders in evaluating the CBP. It does not purport to contain all the information that may be relevant to a bidder in satisfying its due diligence efforts. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc. nor the Auction Manager make any representation or warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information, and shall not, either individually or as a corporation, be liable for any representation expressed or implied in the CBP or any omissions from the CBP, or any information provided to a bidder by any other source. A bidder should check the CBP Information Website frequently to ensure it has the latest documentation and information. Neither Duke Energy Ohio, Inc., nor the Auction Manager, nor any of their representatives, shall be liable to a bidder or any of its representatives for any consequences relating to or arising from the bidder’s use of outdated information. The information is not intended to form any part of the basis of any investment decision, valuation or any bid that may be submitted during the CBP process. Each recipient should not rely solely on this information and should make its own independent assessment of the potential value to supply the Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.’s load after making all investigations it deems necessary.

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